Wanted Création
Substance and form
Wanted! has its own Creative department, responsible for producing
the graphic design for all our communication supports: press releases, press kits, newsletters, B2B presentations, press announcements and invitations.
Reactivity, efficiency, flexibility and expertise, with full control of your
image and its development.
Essential. Because image is the first act of communication.
Wanted Création can also help you with all your visual communication requirements, independently of its services automatically included
in our "representation" , “press & PR relations and online reputation” packages.
Areas of expertise
Global communication
Visual identity / brand image
B2B and B2C advertising
Action levels
Design and production of campaigns
Brand graphic guidelines:
logo, colour scheme, graphic and typographic standards
Design of institutional and promotional brochures
Website design & ergonomics
Layouts, editorials, photo shoots and photomontage
Organising and monitoring production
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